Thursday, March 25, 2010

Post 3: "Real" food vs. "fake" food

When I think of processed, fake food, the first one that comes to mind is Kraft Singles cheese. You know, the little orange, individually wrapped floppy… stuff I would call it! It’s clearly not cheese. First off, real cheese is bought in big bricks in order to fulfill the need of any cheese user. Next, real cheese is smooth and it doesn’t snap in half like the fake stuff does. Another thing is that the stuff never molds! I mean, sure, this may seem like a plus, but that just lets me know that the fake stuff is so full of preservatives that there can’t possibly by any room for any of that smooth, milk-formed cheese I grew up with as a kid. It doesn’t taste the same either. The fake stuff is too, sharp is the word that comes to mind, and real cheese is smooth and almost creamy.
What I get a kick out of now days though, is how the processed stuff now comes with extra calcium! Woohoo! If the yellow piece of what-ever-you-want-to-call-it were real cheese, it would be made from MILK, which is a grand supplier of calcium. I just don’t understand why these producers of this stuff don’t realize this and get back to the basics of cheese, which is milk at its purest.
I had to make the switch to the fake form of cheese due to the fact that it’s just cheaper, and that’s about the only reason. Since milk prices have gone up, it’s only expected that cheese prices go up as well.
If I could make the switch back to real cheese, I would thoroughly enjoy it. You just get a better feeling on the inside knowing that what you’re eating is real and that you helped out some farmer somewhere by buying his milk product in the form of pure, heavenly cheese.

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